Monday, December 30, 2013

Plum Tree

My husband and I went into a man’s house and were admiring his beautiful garden from the inside looking out through the sliding glass door. The man mentioned a plum tree in which my husband mentioned that we also have a plum tree. The man offered to show us the way to the plum tree but my husband refused and said he’s got it and he began in another direction. So I followed him as he walked through the house and finally through a den area to a back door on the opposite side of the house.

When we got outside the garden was no longer beautiful but the ground was all broken up to where you had to jump from one piece of land to the next. It looked like the land had been demolished. So my husband began to jump from one piece of land to the next to go to the plum tree. After about 2 jumps when he went to jump to the next he fell into a pit and wallowed in the pit for a moment.

Then the man let out a bridge that looked like a metal electric type of bridge and it came out from the house straight horizontally next to where we were. We both go onto the bridge and came inside.

Inside the man and his son were preparing gifts for people. We watched as they did this. It was like shop area and the gifts were being wrapped and prepared for people.


This dream speaks of pride coming before a fall but then salvation. In the end salvation came. The bridge represents the Son and the man represents the Father. The son inside also represents the Son. The gifts represent the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. When this comes to pass, my husband will believe again in Jesus Christ and salvation through Him.